kyma•tweaky . Connect . AddNewSchool

Add a Program of Study to the Kyma in Schools list:

Name of the Institution

Address of the Institution

Please provide a complete mailing address (including country). This will be displayed as a single line, so please separate lines of the address with commas.


Contact Person

Who to contact for more information. Use the person's WikiName, if possible.

Contact Email Address

Optional. Where to send email for more information.

Contact Telephone Number

Optional. Where to call for more information.

Contact Fax Number

Optional. Where to fax for more information.

Link for more information

Optional. Web site providing more information about the course(s), the degree programs available, the studio facilities, research areas, instructions on how to apply, etc.

Degrees, Certification, or Credits Available from this Institution

For example, Bachelor's, Master's, PhD.

How Kyma is used at this Institution
In course work
In studio
In student performances
In research
Please check all that apply.

Description of the Courses or Degree Programs

Please use this area to provide prospective students with additional information on the unique attributes and advantages of study at your school (especially with regard to learning more about Kyma).

Important: To add this information to the list of schools, press the Add School button below. You will then be taken to a page where you can (optionally) modify the information you have provided (see the table near the bottom of the page), and add any additional comments. Click the Save button on the very bottom of that page to finish adding the school to the calendar.

----- Revision r1.3 - 18 Jun 2004 - 21:01 GMT - KurtHebel
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