kyma•tweaky . Connect . C20050617JeanLewis

What is ecosystemic, ambience-dependent, and self-organizing?
Installation: 17 Jun - 3 July 2005 --
Presented by: AgostinoDiScipio
Daadgalerie, Zimmerstrasse 90/91
Berlin -- Germany

An untitled interactive installation by Agostino Di Scipio is on display from 17 June through 3 July 2005 at the Daadgalerie, Zimmerstraße 90/91, 10117 Berlin. Di Scipio uses Kyma to energize a small open area with acoustic waves; microphones placed throughout the space provide both positive and negative feedback to his ecosystemic algorithms running on Kyma. The sound develops in real time, affected by visitors and the ambient background noise.

Discussion (Eyewitness reports, descriptions, discussion):

----- Revision r1.3 - 30 Jun 2005 - 16:50 GMT - JeanLewis
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