kyma•tweaky . Connect . C20070315JeanLewis

Double 2 on Tour
Live performance: Spring 2007 --
Presented by: CristianVogel

Paris, Hamburg --

Cristian Vogel used Kyma to compose the music for choreographer Gille Jobins's Double Deux, and he did it on-site in Geneva just a couple of weeks after he first got his system. Jobin writes, "I can testify! Cristian used ONLY Kyma to make one hour of music for the piece. Which was a bit worrying when he arrived with a machine in a box, and a telephone book size instruction book... But with a lot of sweat and a lot of talent, he managed to make a fantastic score. I must say that using the Kyma concept was great for this piece. The 'morphing' of one sound into another, of one patch into another, the continuous state of transition was just the right thing for the choreography of this project."

Double Deux explores the concept of pairs, of 2s in all combinations, additive and multiplicative: binary symmetry, coupling, the uniting of two, and binary division of cells necessary to produce life. The piece is now on tour and will be in Rennes, France, Bruxelles, Belgium, Paris, France, and Hamburg, Germany in Spring of 2007. You can read more about the pieces, see photos, see video clips, and order a DVD at the Parano Foundation website:

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----- Revision r1.2 - 06 Dec 2006 - 20:58 GMT - KurtHebel
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