kyma•tweaky . Connect . C20091007JeanLewis

Shall the TWAIN meet?
Installation: 07 Oct 2009 --
Presented by: CristianVogel
The TWAIN Gallery
Barcelona -- Spain

Cristian Vogel provided interactive sound for the October 7, 2009 opening of Used Abused and Amused by Santiago Taccetti and Natalia Ibanez Lario at the TWAIN (totally without an interesting name) gallery in Barcelona. Vogel placed contact mics on black-painted papier-mâché balls suspended from orange cables in the gallery such that, when gallery visitors hit the sculpture, it triggered a grain cloud explosion in Kyma. In this video, you can see enthusiastic gallery visitors happily kicking, punching, and swinging the ersatz piñatas to be showered with chalk, glitter, and glass beads (and in the background you can catch glimpses of Cristian Vogel, Kyma, Kurt Hebel, and Carla Scaletti who were in Barcelona for the Kyma symposium which started later that week.

Discussion (Eyewitness reports, descriptions, discussion):

----- Revision r1.2 - 15 Feb 2010 - 04:35 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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