kyma•tweaky . Connect . C20100411JeanLewis

Remembering James Brody
Live performance: 11 Apr 2010 --
Presented by: Kyma Community
Saint Cloud, Minnesota -- USA

Many of us had the pleasure of meeting or renewing our connections with composer James Brody during the April SEAMUS Kyma workshop, only to be shocked and saddened by the news that James and his friend, composer Franz Kamin were killed in a car accident in Roseville, Minnesota the day after the conference. During SEAMUS several of us had been in the middle of an ongoing discussion with James on complexity theory, bird songs, random number generators and The Taos Hum. Yes, he had heard it, but he explained that it is not just in Taos where you can hear it: The Hum. James had been enthusiastically involved in organizing a music & complexity series at The Complex in Santa Fe . If you would like to honor a colleague while, at the same time supporting an organization dedicated to the connections between complexity, science, and the arts, please visit this site, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the James Brody Memorial Fund for art & performance. Good bye, James. We salute a fellow explorer of the interface between sound and science!

Discussion (Eyewitness reports, descriptions, discussion):

----- Revision r1.1 - 02 Jul 2010 - 21:34 GMT - JeanLewis
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