kyma•tweaky . Connect . O20090821InstallationJeanLewis

Animating Architecture in Toronto
Installation: 21 Aug - Sept 7 2009
By: EdmundEagan

Composer Edmund Eagan was commissioned to do the sound track for "E", a large scale video projection conceived and directed by Alain Couture for the 2009 Canadian National Exhibition. Each night of the CNE (August 21st to September 7th, 2009), the exterior of the southeast entrance to the Direct Energy Centre was transformed into a giant canvas onto which fantastic building-sized images were projected. The animation was created using 3D software rendered against a 3D model of the actual building. The result was amazing optical illusions, creating the impression that the interior of the building was on fire, or that the building had transformed itself into a huge aquarium, a Mayan temple, or a Gothic cathedral, or that faces were extruding out from the stone and smiling down at the people below. The sound track, rich Kyma-based sound generation controlled by the Haken Continuum, Space Navigator, and Wiimote, was delivered through a quadraphonic sound reinforcement system.

E Promo 1 gives a sped up synopsis of some of the images from the original 30 minute presentation. The soundtrack for this excerpt is a section of the E score featuring a Continuum Fingerboard performance of a Mellotron flute sound designed and realized in Kyma. You might almost believe entire thing is a video animation until you notice people opening the doors and leaving the building. In this hilarious excerpt, Eagan turns the Direct Energy Center into a giant game of Pong, complete with an ersatz Kraftwerk parody sound track (featuring Edmund's voice processed through Kyma). All buildings should look and sound like this whenever the sun goes down!

Discussion (Descriptions, reviews, discussion):

----- Revision r1.3 - 14 Feb 2010 - 04:59 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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