kyma•tweaky . How . ConnectToTouchOSC

Question (or Task)

Hi! I am interested in utilizing OSCulator on my Paca/Mac OS 10.5.8 setup. After searching on your website and trying this out in practice I can´t get any connection between OSCulator and Kyma. I would like to utilize my iPhone viaTouchOSC/OSCemote. Could you please point me in the right direction......?


To use touchOSC with OSCulator:

  1. Start OSCulator,
  2. Ensure that your iPhone is connected to your wireless router and that your Macintosh is also connected to the same router. (Alternatively, you can set up a private network using AirPort
  3. Launch touchOSC
  4. Click the Network option and select your computer from the list at the bottom of the screen.


-- CarlaScaletti - 12 Nov 2009

Question: How do I connect touchOSC to OSCulator and Kyma?
Keywords: iPhone touchOSC OSCulator OSC

----- Revision r1.1 - 12 Nov 2009 - 20:14 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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