kyma•tweaky . How . CreateAlgorithmicCompositions

Question (or Task)

Does anybody have any links/information regarding algorithmic composition... generative music.. or otherwise self-replicating patterns in music.. specifically, of course, using Kyma? any sound examples? i am interested in randomly created sound and compositions, but also compositions based upon scientific phenonema.

-- TaylorDeupree - 21 Nov 2003


You might find the logisticmap.pci Tool to be of interest. You can find it in the Xtra Tools folder inside the Kyma folder.

-- CarlaScaletti - 21 Nov 2003

wow. really neat stuff. i must say i've never ventured into the Tools area yet. i couldn't find anything in the Kyma X Revealed documentation, but, how does one take advantage of some of these tools in our sounds? like the Widget examples tools.. a great VU meter there! or different styles of buttons... or the graphic line representation in he logisticmap .pci. are there ways to incorporate such widgets and UI devices into our own sounds?

how does one make tools? smalltalk?

-- TaylorDeupree - 22 Nov 2003

You can associate a compiled Sound grid with a Tool and algorithmically select which Sound to load and what its parameter settings should be. Tool programming is described in Kyma X Revealed! in the chapter called "Writing Your Own Tools" (the final chapter before the appendices). In Share.Tools, you'll also find some Tools contributed by other Kyma users.

-- CarlaScaletti - 22 Nov 2003

Question: How do I create algorithmic compositions in Kyma?
Keywords: algorithmic composition, generative music, self-replicating patterns, randomly created sound, scientific phenonema

----- Revision r1.3 - 22 Nov 2003 - 17:44 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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