kyma•tweaky . How . CreateCustomUIGraphic

Question (or Task)

I'd love to create and share new graphic skins for Kyma. I'd look at creating more readable interface graphics specially for use in live performance. How do I create pretty User Interface graphics and share them with the community?

-- AndrewBird - 06 Dec 2010


Which aspect of the interface were you proposing to change for readability during live performance: the Virtual Control Surface? Unfortunately, there is no mechanism for substituting 'skins' but if you have some proposals or suggestions, please send them by email with text description or attached graphics.


-- CarlaScaletti - 07 Dec 2010

Question: I'm a UI/Animtor and designer. How do I create pretty User Interface graphics for Kyma?
Keywords: graphics, UI, Interaction,

----- Revision r1.2 - 07 Dec 2010 - 18:31 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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