kyma•tweaky . How . LogOrLinearOutput

Question (or Task)

Where can I find the information about the output format of the different spectral sources? For example, do I need to put a LogToLinear module between a live spectral analysis module and a filter bank element?

-- KarlMousseau - 30 Jan 2004


The LiveSpectralAnalysis module outputs a linear format spectrum. The SpectrumInRAM and SpectrumOnDisk modules output log format. SyntheticSpectrumFromArray and SyntheticSpectrumFromSounds can output either format, depending on the LogScale parameter.

-- KurtHebel - 30 Jan 2004

Question: Which spectral source modules output linear format and which ones output log format?
Keywords: LogToLinear?, SpectralSources?

----- Revision r1.2 - 30 Jan 2004 - 16:53 GMT - KurtHebel
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