kyma•tweaky . How . MakeAnArpeggiator

Question (or Task)

I'd like to make a simple arpeggiator that plays any notes held down on a keyboard in either up, down, or up & down mode, possibly repeating over several octaves at a given tempo. In other words, I want to make a typical arpeggiator similar to the ones found on many real and emulated analog synth keyboards. Extra credit for arpeggiating in the order the keys are played.

-- RobRayle - 17 Mar 2006


On page 261 of Kyma X Revealed, there's a dissection of the Arpeggiate keyboard pitches expression from the Expressions Library (in sequences.txt). It uses the countTriggersMod: expression to determine the order number of an incoming key event and does a sampleAndHold: each time that "voice" comes up.

That example might serve as a starting point for what you are trying to do.

-- CarlaScaletti - 03 Apr 2006

Question: How would I make an arpeggiator in Kyma?

----- Revision r1.2 - 03 Apr 2006 - 23:40 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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