kyma•tweaky . How . MidiNrpn

Question (or Task)

Is it possible to work with MIDI NRPN messages (which are in fact sequences of certain MIDI Control Change Messages, but giving e.g. an enhanced resolution)

a) as values for hot parameters and/or
b) by linking them to the VCS

instead of ordinary MIDI CC messages, which have a resolution of only 127 distinct values. If yes: how? Or do we need a new prototype, some sort of MIDIInputInBytes?

-- EckardVossas - 07 Apr 2004



Question: How do I handle MIDI NRPN messages?
Keywords: MIDI NRPN

----- Revision r1.1 - 07 Apr 2004 - 17:43 GMT - EckardVossas
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