kyma•tweaky . How . SyncALoopToMidiClock

Question (or Task)

I want to sync a loop in Kyma with other sequencers but Timing Clock is not sufficient as it just give a BPM information and not a Bar cue. I think we should use the MIDI real time message "Bar Marker" to sync the beginning of the loop in Kyma (for example in the trigger field) to the beginning of a bar from the external sequencer. I didn't find a way to do it yet...Is Kyma also responds to start and stop messages? I can use Timeline with MTC to do that but it's not a quick way for live performance and sometimes you only get MIDI clock and Bar marker informations from external sequencers and not MTC.

DenisCazajeux - 27 Apr 2005


Here are some possible ways to approach the problem. You could turn off the automatic looping in the sample (by unchecking the Loop box). Then you could retrigger the sample at the beginning of each bar. In the Gate or Trigger field of your looping sample, you could use:

!TimingClock triggerEvery: 24
to trigger the sample once per quarter note. If you know how many beats there are per bar, you could trigger it once per bar. For example, if there are 8 beats per bar, you could use:
!TimingClock triggerEvery: (24 * 8)

Another approach would be to have the sequencer send out a !KeyDown on a silent MIDI channel at the beginning of each bar. The Kyma Sound could be listening on that MIDI channel and the !KeyDown could retrigger the loop.

-- CarlaScaletti - 27 Apr 2005

Question: How do I sync a loop in Kyma using MIDI Timing Clock and Bar Marker

----- Revision r1.2 - 27 Apr 2005 - 15:01 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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