kyma•tweaky . How . UseMIDITimingClockInKyma

Question (or Task)

I've been working on syncing Kyma via midi to some synths, drum machines and Ableton Live. Using the OutputMIDITimingClock I can get external gear synced to Kyma fine, but I'd like to do the opposite and get, say, the BPM of a timeline synced to external hardware via a midi clock signal. I didn't see this covered in the Timeline chapter of the Kyma Revealed book though, any tips or tricks I could try?


-- StephenHennelly - 23 July 2007


One approach would be to create a SoundToGlobalController to generate !BPM from the MIDI Timing Clock. In the Value field of the SoundToGlobalController, use

(!TimingClock durationBetweenTriggers: 24) s bpm removeUnits

and set its GeneratedEvent field to !ExtBPM.

Drag the SoundToGlobalController into a free track of the Timeline and !ExtBPM will appear as its parameter control. Slave it to the BPM master control (and set the Master control BPM to Live). Then slave BPM in all other tracks to the Master BPM control (in fact this should already be set up this way automatically).

-- CarlaScaletti - 03 Aug 2007

Question: How do I sync the the BPM of the Kyma Timeline to an external source of MIDI Timing Clock?
Keywords: MIDI Timing Clock BPM Timeline sync synchronize

----- Revision r1.2 - 08 Jan 2012 - 14:16 GMT - MarcusHorndt
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