kyma•tweaky . How . UseMIDIVoiceCorrectly

Question (or Task)

. I have a Sound that runs a polyphonic generator module into a SampleCloud?. so a MemoryWriter? should be triggered on every KeyDown? event. but it seems that there is conflict with the MidiVoice?. If i set the polyphony to 3 then, 3 times in a row the generator will be triggerd and only the 4th time MemoryWriter? is triggered (but not the generator) I found a similar question in the forum (from BillMeadows?) but the solution - to check the "share" toggle in the MidiVoice? - did not help.



-- MichaelStrohmann - 26 Jul 2012


----- Revision r1.1 - 26 Jul 2012 - 13:09 GMT - MichaelStrohmann
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