kyma付weaky . Know . FlameAVCFirmware

Kyma AV/C Beta Release 071221

Thanks for being willing to live on the bleeding edge by using this beta release!

Please report any problems or questions by email to:

As with any beta software, there is some chance that this new software could crash Kyma (and possibly your computer), so please backup your work frequently!

Who should not install this Release?

This public beta is for the Macintosh only. Do not install this release if you use (or plan to use) a Windows computer. This will be supported soon (just not in this release).

How to Install

Download the ZIP archive and expand it by double-clicking its icon. Open the AVC Beta folder, and run the Flame firmware update found in the Flame Update folder. (To minimize problems, please disconnect all other FireWire devices if at all possible. Also, please be sure that Kyma is not running. When the updating process has completed, remove power from the Flame for at least 10 seconds, plug it back in, and then restart your computer. (When you quit the update program, it asks whether you want to save; please save the file. If there are any problems with the update, this will help us diagnose what happened.)

If you would like to retreat to the old version of the Flame firmware, follow the same instructions as above, but use the most recent non-beta firmware update found on the kyma付weaky.

How to use

The AV/C update provides a way to receive both audio and MIDI from other software running on your computer; it also makes it possible for you to send audio (but not MIDI) from Kyma to other software running on your computer.

To set the sample rate, use the Audio MIDI Setup in the Utilities folder of the Applications folder. The Flame will serve as the sample rate clock source for the FireWire bus when Kyma is running. Be sure that the sample rate in the Audio MIDI Setup is the same as the sample rate within Kyma (where you set the sample rate in the DSP Status window).


Each of your third-party programs should have a control panel or configuration window for specifying the audio and MIDI input and output devices. Some software can work with only one input and one output device. If you want to use the Flame and another audio device at the same time, you can create an Aggregate Device within Audio MIDI Setup to create a virtual device which contains the inputs and outputs of both devices.


The FireWire bus supports multiple audio streams. One of these streams is going to the Capybara (via the Flame); it contains 6 audio channels and one MIDI data connection (16 MIDI channels). Another stream is coming from the Capybara via the Flame and contains 6 channels of audio. (The MIDI output connection is currently unused, pending a planned firmware update to the Flame).

To access the audio output of third-party programs from inside Kyma, use the new SoundFromExternalSource. (This Sound is found in NewSounds.kym included in the AVC Beta folder). In the parameter fields of the SoundFromExternalSource, you can specify which of the 6 incoming channels this Sound should be listening to.

To send audio from Kyma to a third-party program, use the new SoundToExternalDestination Sound anywhere in a Kyma signal flow graph or timeline. The parameters of a SoundToExternalDestination include a Sound input and the output channel. SoundToExternalDestination expects a mono input (it will output only the left channel of its input Sound).

Limitations of this Release

Previous Release

Click here to download the 070313 version.

-- KurtHebel - 21 Dec 2007

----- Revision r1.5 - 25 Feb 2008 - 21:35 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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