kyma•tweaky . Know . OpticalDriveBusyUnderWin2000


When attempting to use the Roxio Easy CD and DVD burner software (Creator Classic Version I found that the DVD and CD drives always busy until the Windows procedure for disconnecting a removable device is done, such as "Stop Kyma Firewire Interface -- Drive XX". Once the Kyma interface is disabled, then the DVD and CD-ROM software can access the drives. This looks like some sort of bug in the driver -- it ought not to be dealing with the optical media, to my knowledge.

-- WilliamHurt - 04 Jan 2004


On the advice of Microsoft support engineers, in the Windows 2000 version (only) the Flame identifies itself as a CD-ROM drive. Ordinarily this does not cause any problems (though you may notice a new compact disk with a high drive letter in Windows Explorer and My Computer). As you point out, ejecting the Kyma FireWire Interface using the Taskbar icon "UNPLUG or EJECT HARDWARE" should eliminate any conflicts. (To restart Kyma, unplug and replug the power to the Flame FireWire interface to effect a reset).

-- CarlaScaletti - 05 Jan 2004

TopicClassification: Solved
BriefDescription?: Under Win2k, Flame can block use of optical drives
OperatingSystem: Win 2000
LapOrDesk?: Laptop, Desktop
HostProcessor?: Pentium 4, Pentium 3, Pentium 2, Athlon, Celeron, Other
ClockSpeedInMHz?: NA
RAMInMB?: 0-127, 128-255, 256-511, 512-1023, 1024-2047, 2048+
CapyInterface?: Flame
KymaVersion?: KymaX?
CapybaraVersion?: Capy320, CapyLS?
ExpansionCards?: None, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
VirtualMemory?: N/A
MonitorSize?: 12, 15, 17, 21, >23
NumberMonitors?: 1, 2, 3, >3
NumberColors?: 8 bit (256), 16 bit (thousands), 24 bit (millions), 32 bit (true color)
GraphicsCard?: NA
OtherHardware?: CD or DVD drive
OtherSoftware?: NA

----- Revision r1.1 - 05 Jan 2004 - 16:37 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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