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To submit a new problem - solution pair:
  1. Enter a new problem below, and click the Submit button. The problem name should be short (but descriptive) and in the form of a WikiWord (which means to begin each word with a capital letter, and omit the spaces between the words). This will become the name of the web page you are creating.
    • Problem: ?
  2. After you click the Submit button, you will see a large text field at the top of an editor. Replace the dot after Problem with a description of your problem. If you have a solution, replace the dot after Solution with your proposed solution. Please remember to sign (by copying your signature from the bottom of the editor page) either (or both) the problem and solution parts.
  3. Before saving your new problem, please enter a short version of the problem in the BriefDescription field in the table near the bottom of the window (for example, "Cannot enter text in parameter fields"); this allows you to describe the problem more fully than with a WikiWord and is the problem description that will appear in the index of problems and solutions. Select the operating system and enter the specifics about your computer in the remaining fields of the table. This will help us diagnose the problem and will assist others in locating this topic using the search option.
  4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the window to submit the problem.

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