kyma•tweaky . Know . TooltipsRedrawVCS


It seems that when the Kyma software displays tooltips the VCS is forced out of maximise. To duplicate this problem:

1) Maximise the Kyma VCS window.
2) Hover the mouse over a screen element such as a VCS fader.
3) The tooltip which tells you what MIDI channel etc the fader is assigned to appears.
4) At the same time the VCS window is forced back to its original size.

It is rather annoying now that I am working with a VCS which takes up the whole screen.

-- DavidMoss - 23 May 2007



-- DavidMoss - 23 May 2007

TopicClassification: Pending
BriefDescription?: When tooltips appear the VCS resizes
OperatingSystem: Win 98
LapOrDesk?: Desktop
HostProcessor?: Athlon
ClockSpeedInMHz?: 3000
RAMInMB?: 512-1023
CapyInterface?: PCI
KymaVersion?: KymaX?
CapybaraVersion?: CapyLS?
ExpansionCards?: None
VirtualMemory?: N/A
MonitorSize?: 17
NumberMonitors?: 1
NumberColors?: 16 bit (thousands)
GraphicsCard?: ATI Radeon 9200SE

----- Revision r1.1 - 23 May 2007 - 10:19 GMT - DavidMoss
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