kyma•tweaky . Know . VCSproblems


some things in the vcs editor seem not to work as they should:

-- MichaelStrohmann - 10 May 2004


Copy/Paste of widgets is definitely working (I did it just the other day when I was working on the cellular automata VCS). Maybe you did not select the widgets first? The way I always do it is:

1. Select All 2. Copy 3. Move to different layer or open a different VCS 4. Select All (optional) 5. Paste

Only one VCS can be open at any one time (always associated with the Sound that is currently playing).

The VCS shows all live controls. Is it possible that your Master controls are automated rather than live?

-- CarlaScaletti - 10 May 2004

-- MichaelStrohmann - 10 May 2004

TopicClassification: Pending
BriefDescription?: vcs not working as descibed
OperatingSystem: Mac OSX
LapOrDesk?: Desktop
HostProcessor?: PowerPC? G4
ClockSpeedInMHz?: 400
RAMInMB?: 512-1023
CapyInterface?: Flame
KymaVersion?: KymaX?
CapybaraVersion?: Capy320
ExpansionCards?: None
VirtualMemory?: On
MonitorSize?: 15
NumberMonitors?: 2

----- Revision r1.3 - 10 May 2004 - 17:13 GMT - MichaelStrohmann
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