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Escape to a world of pure sound design, music, & ideas!

Kyma International Sound Symposium (KISS2011): 15-18 September 2011 in Porto Portugal

Treat yourself to an inspiring four days of sound design, ideas, discussions, and music! Return home reinvigorated, with a head full of new ideas and a contact list full of new colleagues and friends!

KISS2011 offers a wide range of opportunities for you to increase your Kyma mastery: from introductory master classes for novices to hands-on question-and-answer sessions with an international panel of experts, to discussions with colleagues over lunch or espresso. Be among the first to see a sneak preview of the new features coming soon to Kyma! Influence future developments by speaking directly with the Kyma creators.

Join Symbolic Sound and your fellow Kyma practitioners in Porto Portugal, 15-18 September for four intensive days of master classes, workshops, technical presentations, live performances, films, discussions, and brain-stimulating fun.

See the updated schedule of speakers, classes & performances here!

Space is limited, so please register soon to reserve your spot!

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To cite just a few highlights:

Evening performances are to include a screening of the very first science fiction film accompanied by a live-improvised electronic sound track generated by Kyma reconstructions of Luigi Russolo's intonorumori instruments; and a live-generated audio/video film about Galileo that uses Kyma to control VJ software via Open Sound Control (OSC). Other live musical performances will create sound spaces controlled by (among other things) dancers, RFID cards held by the audience, iPads, Wacom tablets, video position trackers, Continuum fingerboards, SoftStep pedal-boards, OSC, acoustic instruments, the acoustics of the room itself, and even a sensor-enhanced Teddy Bear!


What: The Kyma International Sound Symposium (KISS 2011), an annual conclave of current and potential Kyma practitioners who come together to learn, to share, to meet, to discuss, and to enjoy a lively exchange of ideas, sounds, and music! This year's theme is "Exploring Sound Space"
Presenters: Experts from the fields of music, sound art, sound design, mathematics, philosophy & audio engineering who use Kyma in their work.
Participants: Sound designers, musicians, audio engineers, composers, acousticians and others interested in "sound space" and the Kyma sound design language
When: 15-18 September 2011
Where: Porto, Portugal
Venue: Casa da Musica / Avenida da Boavista, 604-610 / 4149-071 Porto / Portugal
Cost: € 120, students € 40
Organizers: Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto & Symbolic Sound Corporation with support from Casa da Musica & UT Austin Portugal International Collaboratory for Emerging Technologies
Deadline: 1 August 2011 for early registration discount; registration open through 15 September 2011
More info: http://kiss2011.symbolicsound.com

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