kyma•tweaky . Learn . KeyboardCommands

When I remember/encounter more commands, I'll put them here.
I think for Apple users ctrl=apple key
-- DirkVeulemans - 04 Jan 2004

OK, I'm getting the hang of this tweaky thing now. I've added a bunch, but haven't tested all of them. created some new sections too. It appears that on the Mac, cmd and ctrl and opt are interchangeable.

-- RandallThomas - 06 Jan 2004

Updated to include Tau editor commands.

-- RandallThomas - 17 Aug 2007

Updated for Kyma X.53

-- RandallThomas - 17 Feb 2008

-- BenPhenix - 11 Jan 2009

For most of the commands that appear in the menus, (on OSX 10.5< ) it is possible to define your own. This is configured in the keyboard & mouse panel of the system preferences

(Um, yeah, don't use the '*' for record to disk because you can't type it for expressions obviously: duh)

-- CharlieNorton - 09 Nov 2010

sound editor upper half
ctrl+drag for dragging a sound into a parameter field without creating a new instance
ctrl+[ zoom out (icons become smaller)
ctrl+] zoom in (icons become bigger)
return, enter with icon selected, opens rename dialog
ctrl+click on ellipse (hidden branch) fully opens branch
double click on ellipse (hidden branch) fully opens branch (same as above)
shift+click+drag an icon moves the entire branch
ctrl+space play selected icon
ctrl+P compile, load and start selected icon
sound editor lower half
double click in gray zone between parameterfields -> editor window fills with parameter area, double click again for normal view
ctrl+click on audio file disk icon to open the sample editor with the current file
ctrl+click on spectrum file disk icon to open the spectrum editor with the current file
shift+click any file disk icon to open the info window on that file
sound editor parameter fields (click in field)
ctrl+L opens large parameter window
ctrl+space to play sound while editing the parameter field
ctrl+Y evaluates selected expression in the parameter field
ctrl+H opens pop-up list of common event value names
ctrl+J opens replace dialog
shift+ctrl+H opens a list of capytalk expressions

sound file
return, enter with icon selected, opens rename dialog
ctrl+E expand selection
ctrl+I get info on selection
ctrl+D duplicate selected icons
ctrl+P compile, load and start selected icon

time line
space toggle between play/continue and pause
ctrl+space recompile and play timeline (also resets timeline to "normal" play mode)
ctrl+right arrow play/continue (unlike spacebar this will never pause) (this followed by space guarentees a pause)
ctrl+left arrow stop and reset cursor to start of timeline (this is handy if you want to compile a timeline that doesn't play untill your ready)
shift+space plays timeline in "marked only" mode
ctrl+click on speaker icon to mute/unmute track
shift+click on speaker icon to solo/unsolo additional tracks
ctrl+shift+click on speaker icon to mute/unmute additional tracks
shift+click on sound to add it to selection
ctrl+click on sound, marks the sound (unmarks other sounds)
ctrl+drag enables selection box to mark multiple sounds
shift+ctrl+click on additional sounds, marks/unmarks the sound
ctrl+drag a sound onto a sound in the timeline to replace that sounds input
tab forwards through the selected sound info displays
shift+tab reverses through the selected sound info displays
left/right arrow nudges selected sound left or right
shift+left/right arrow nudges selected sound in smallest quantization increments
ctrl+D duplicates selected sound to new track (does not copy control functions)
- (minus) removes last effect placed on selected sound
ctrl+[ zoom out horizontal
ctrl+] zoom in horizontal
Program Change (MIDI) moves cursor to respective marker number
Program Change 126 (MIDI) selects next marker
Program Change 127 (MIDI) selects previous marker
Program Change 128 (MIDI) selects random marker

timeline parameter control function editor
ctrl+click add new data point
shift+click+drag data point(s) to move only horizontal or vertical
left/right arrow nudges selected data point(s) by smallest time quantization value
shift+left/right arrow nudges selected data point(s) by larger time quantization values
up/down arrow scrolls through available controls

tau editor
= (equals) . (period) position play cursor at mouse cursor location
ctrl+click add anchor
delete deletes selected anchor or selected group(s) of anchors
space toggles play/continue and pause
shift+click+drag in the anchor strip to subsequently select another group of anchor points
g group selected contiguous anchors
shift+g ungroup selected anchors
up/down arrow increments/decrements the warp value (denoted by the vertical axis) of the selected anchor or group
left/right arrow increments/decrements the time warp value of the selected anchor or group
tab selects next file tab
shift+tab selects previous file tab
ctrl+left arrow rewind-to-time-zero

sample editor
shift+click+drag on left/right selection markers to move them independently
shift+click+drag on left/right zoom borders in navigation pane to move them independently
sample editor parameter fields (click in field)
ctrl+L opens large parameter window
left/right arrow increments/decrements cursor by one sample
shift+ctrl+H opens a list of capytalk expressions
ctrl+H opens pop-up list of common event value names
ctrl+J opens replace dialog

spectrum editor
ctrl+click+drag activates zoom selection box
ctrl+] zoom in
ctrl+[ zoom out
shift+click to add/remove a trace from the selection
shift+click+drag to add/remove an additional boxed region to/from the selection
shift+click+drag on scrub bar to scrub faster
shift+click to add point when using hand trace
left/right arrow increment/decrement time cursor
F1 play all tracks
F2 play selected regions only
F3 play segment between the start and end markers
F4 play up to the start marker
F5 drop marker
F6 drop start marker
F7 drop end marker
F8 opens the pre and post roll time dialog
F9 zoom all
F10 toggles frequency or amplitude as the vertical axis
F11 toggles dots at frame or lines between frames
F12 opens selection criteria dialog
F13 opens track filter algorithm selection dialog
F14 delete all frames between the start and end markers
F15 toggles draw mode
shift+click+drag the cursor to scrub faster
left/right arrow move cursor left/right by one frame
Pitch Bend (MIDI) scrub
  note: some higher function keys may not be available if globally assigned in your OS
spectral analysis (remove pitched material)
shift+click+drag on the fader for fine-tuning
synchronizing spectra
ctrl+click+drag for zoom box
M to drop marker at cursor (scrub bar) location
Enter if marker selected, opens rename marker dialog
Enter if no marker selected, zooms all
A places markers automatically
S saves markers to the spectrum file in the active view
Tab switches active view between spectrum files
Del deletes selected marker
Pitch Bend (MIDI) scrubs active view

VCS performing
ctrl+snapshot does an update of the currently selected snapshot preset without having to type a preset name (keeps same preset name)
ctrl+select snapshot shows the whole snapshot list with pointer on the first item
shift+click+drag on the fader for fine-tuning
R roll the dice
up/down arrow decrement/increment preset
shift+up/down arrow decrement/increment layout
Program Change 126 (MIDI) decrements preset
Program Change 127 (MIDI) increments preset
Program Change 128 (MIDI) roll the dice
ctrl+click OR right-click on widget change control mapping or widget type
Master Volume SysEx control master output level
VCS editing
click on widget, select for editing
double click on widget, select for editing and brings edit window to front
shift+click on widgets to extend your selection
ctrl+click+drag selection box
VCS motormix
shift+alt/fine toggles fine tuning (maps 1/10th of the parameter range to the full fader throw)
rightmost rotary to change presets, push in to instantiate
select roll the dice
fx byps changes rightmost rotary to master volume control, defeat this in preferences, system output level
1-8 toggles display of the associated faders value

sound browser
space play/pause/resume file
ctrl+space rewind and play from file start
ctrl+K stop playback
ctrl+R replay last sound played
shift+space play without looping
shift+click the play icon to play without looping
ctrl+F find file
ctrl+G find again
shift+click on colored file type icons to add/remove from visible list
return, enter opens selected sound for editing

ctrl+B find prototype
ctrl+[ make icons smaller
ctrl+] make icons larger

ctrl+K stop DSP
ctrl+R restart DSP
ctrl+M all MIDI notes off
opt+click (mac) on the lower right corner of a window for easier resizing
caps lock to start kyma with default preferences
ctrl+up/down arrow to cycle forward/back through open Kyma windows

----- Revision r1.29 - 11 Feb 2014 - 22:22 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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