kyma•tweaky . Share . XenOscVarDiscussion

This was triggered by a discussion on the forum on whether it would be possible for the XenOscillator to change its waveform on each cycle. This is an alternative approach. The idea is to divide the waveform up into segments where each segment is created by two overlapping oscillators such that their amplitudes add up to 1. For example, if the oscillator waveform is LinearEnvelope, the shape is something like this /\. So if you add a second oscillator of this shape shifted to the right by half the period, the result is 1. Then scale the amplitude of that "1" by a Y fader.

The Script creates a whole bunch of these segments, each shifted over a little to the right of the previous one. All together, they draw a waveform. By using other Window shapes (like Hann) as the oscillator waveforms, you get different filtering characteristics.

There are several examples, ranging from a simple one with faders to one with chaotic Y values and frequencies.

-- CarlaScaletti - 08 Apr 2005

----- Revision r1.1 - 08 Apr 2005 - 21:16 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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