kyma•tweaky . User . 040114CarlaScaletti

Graduate Teaching Fellowships in Music Technology

Deadline: 15 Jan 2004
Requirement: Bachelors degree
Employer: University of Oregon School of Music
Contact: Dr. Jeffrey Stolet / Director of Intermedia Music Technology / University of Oregon / School of Music / Eugene, OR 97403 / Vox: (541) 346-5652 /
Eugene -- USA

Job Description:
Duties include assisting in the operation of the three Kyma-equipped studios of Future Music Oregon and may include teaching beginning classes in electroacoustic music. Candidates must be accepted to a degree granting program at the graduate level with preference going to those pursuing the Master of Music degree in Intermedia Music Technology or the masters or doctoral degrees in music composition. A solid background in electroacoustic music and sound synthesis is desirable.

To apply:
All applicants, in addition to completing the standard UO and School of Music graduate application process, should submit 1) a summary of all music software and hardware with which they have experience, and 2) a tape (CD or DAT) containing several recent examples of original compositions in the electroacoustic domain.

Additional information (Any details or additional information that might help prospective applicants for this job):

There are three outstanding studios for the express purpose of creating electroacoustic music. The main studio also serves as a classroom and a performance space for live-electroacoustic music making. The smaller studios are designed as learning environments that utilize smaller configurations that are compatible with the main facility. A live setup for concerts is available. Among the components in the various studios are a Sony DMX-R100 Digital Mixer, Yamaha Digital Mixers, multiple Symbolic Sound Kyma Systems, multiple Pro Tools systems, and more than a dozen stations offering the Max programming environment. In addition, the Buchla & Associates' Lightning II and Interactive Light's Dimension Beams are available. The components of these systems represent our commitment to providing a powerful and high quality environment in which to learn and create.

----- Revision r1.5 - 04 Dec 2003 - 21:14 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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