kyma•tweaky . User . GustavoCostantini

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Introduce yourself Sound designer and musician. Member of the Editorial Board of The Soundtrack, UK (along with Walter Murch, Randy Thom, Michel Chion, Larry Sider, Roberto Perpignani and others). Member of the Board of The School of Sound ( As sound designer and composer he contributed to fiction films, documentaries, stage productions. As a writer he has published essays on Sound in Argentina, Brazil, Germany and United Kingdom. He teaches Sound and Film Editing in Argentina, and gives lectures and workshops at the National Film and Television School, Surrey Institute for Creative Arts, London Film School, University of London Royal Holloway (UK), European Film College (Denmark), Hogeschool Gent (Belgium), and International Film School of Cologne (Germany). As researcher, he received scholarships from Canada (studying Egoyan and Cronenberg) and Italy. Michel Chion's disciple, he is Ph.D candidate for the University of Buenos Aires. In 2008 he coordinated a 4-hour masterclass with Walter Murch.

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----- Revision r1.4 - 23 Nov 2009 - 15:57 GMT - JeanLewis
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