kyma•tweaky . Connect . KymaInSchool

Where can I study Kyma?

There are Kyma systems installed in teaching studios all over the world, so chances are, you can find one near where you live! Call the university, college, conservatory, studio certification program, or arts training program near you, and ask to speak with the person in charge of electronic/computer music, sound design, post production or studio engineering; that person should be able to tell you whether their facilities include a Kyma system and whether they offer any courses where you can learn more about Kyma.

Below, you'll find an incomplete list of institutions where you can study Kyma and earn college credits, degrees or professional certification at the same time. This list is by no means comprehensive, so if you teach at an institution where Kyma is used, please add your institution to the list. If you are eager to study electronic and computer music at an institution where you can have access to Kyma, check out these schools and/or give your preferred school a call and ask them whether they provide Kyma access as part of their program of study. If you don't find your preferred institution listed below, try searching this link to institutions offering graduate study in music, and ask the contact person whether they have Kyma in their studios.

By exploring Kyma, you are also learning basic concepts of acoustics, sound synthesis, and DSP (not to mention having a lot of fun in the process)! The basic knowledge you gain by working in Kyma will be applicable to any other software or hardware system you encounter in the future. Learning Kyma is more than just learning how to use a particular application — it's learning about sound itself! That knowledge will never go out of style!

Incomplete List of Institutions

Austria: Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst
Austria: Landesmusikschule Gramastetten
Canada: University of Saskatchewan
Canada: Concordia University - Hexagram Institute for Research
Canada: Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM) - Hexagram Institute for Research/Creation in Media Arts and Technologies
Croatia: University of Zagreb, Academy of Music
France: CCMIX [Center for the Creation of Music Iannis Xenakis]
Germany: Fachhochschule-Dortmund
Greece: Ionian University
Iceland: Kopavogur Computer Music Centre
Ireland: University of Limerick
Italy: Conservatory of Music "S. Pietro a Majella"
Italy: Conservatory of Music "Niccolò Piccinni"
Italy: Conservatory of Music "Nicola Sala"
Japan: IAMAS - International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences
Japan: The University of Tokyo
Japan: Shizuoka University of Art and Culture (SUAC)
Japan: Kyoto City University of Arts (KCUA)
Sweden: University of Gothenburg
USA - California: California State University - Hayward
USA - California: San Jose State University
USA - California: Recombinant Media Labs
USA - Colorado: Adams State College
USA - Georgia: Emory University
USA - Idaho: University of Idaho
USA - Illinois: University of Illinois
USA - Indiana: Ball State University
USA - Iowa: University of Iowa
USA - Louisiana: Louisiana State University
USA - Massachusetts: Brandeis University
USA - Massachusetts: Clark University
USA - Massachusetts: Northeastern University
USA - Minnesota: St. Cloud State University
USA - New Jersey: Rutgers University-Douglass Campus
USA - New York: Manhattan School of Music
USA - New York: Brooklyn College
USA - New York: New York University
USA - Oregon: University of Oregon
USA - Tennessee: Vanderbilt University
USA - Texas: Rice University
USA - Vermont: Bennington College
USA - Washington: Washington State University
United Kingdom: De Montfort University

----- Revision r1.6 - 08 Nov 2010 - 17:28 GMT - JeanLewis
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